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monuments and memorials
White Carrara marble H. 250cm Ma'ale Adumim
white Carrara marble H
White Crarrara marble H. 350 cm Pardes Hanna ' israel
White Carrara marble Hermelin Gardens h.300cm
White Carrara marble Nelson collection Michigan H. 220cm
White Carrara marble H. 250cm Belz collection ME. TE.
White Carrara marble H. 220cm Nelson collection DE. MI.
White Carrara marble Bill Davidson michigan H. 50x300cm
white Carrara marble H. 150 cm Tel Hashomer Medical Center, Tel - Aviv ,Israel.
white Carrara marble Bill Davidson michigan H
WhIte Carrara marble 200cm Belz collection Memphis TN.
White Carrara marble Bill Davidson collection michigan H
White Carrara marble Bill Davidson Collection michigan H
White Carrara marble Belz collection M.TN. H
White Carrara marble weizmann instiute Rehovot H
White Carra marble hermelin gardens DE. ME.
'The Dove of peace' given as a gift by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to US President Bill Clinton
White Carra mable H.350 cm Soroca Medical center Beer Sheva, israel.
The Menorah - Pitsburgh jewish center Pennsylvania bronze 200cm
White Carra mable H. 350cm Soroka Universiry Medical center israel Belz collection
'Primavera' White Carrarra marblr H. 300cm The Hebrew University Jerusalem Mount scopus
'Primavera' White Carrarra marblr H. 300cm The Hebrew University Jerusalem Mount scopus2
Noah's Ark 200cm Hevron stone
'Mother & Children' White Carrara marble 250cm Belz collection Memphis TN
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Hadaassa Medical Center - mount Scopus - White Carrara H
Hadaassa Medical Center - mount Scopus - White Carrara marble H
Liberation of Eilat Monument Bronze 800cm
Marble Garden bench in doreen and david hermeline gardens Turkish marble H 45cm
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